Telecom Pipes
Telecom Pipes
Cable Protection Pipes are the preferred solutions for the protection of cables during the laying of Telecommunication lines. Since these products have both high quality and features to meet the needs, they provide perfect solutions. As Özdoğanplast, we provide quality and useful products while allowing you to make choices that will meet your expectations in telecom lines.
What is a Telecom Pipe?
Telecommunication pipes, also known as cable casing pipes, are made of high density polyethylene material. The purpose of double-walled cable casing pipes is to protect telecommunication pipes extending along a channel from damage. Thanks to these very important options, which provide protection against situations such as traffic ground load and freezing underground, it is aimed that the cables used in communication are not adversely affected. In order to get rid of the negativities caused by water and icing on the cables, it is essential to choose the appropriate Cable Protection Pipes.
Thanks to the opportunities provided by cable enclosure pipes in the field of communication technologies and data transmission, no communication-related negativity arises in human life. On the other hand, it is the case that Telecom cables offer successful solutions with complementary elements. You can also choose products that offer Özdoğanplast quality in order to benefit from the most suitable options for your needs.
To Get Detailed Information About Özdoğanplast Telecom Pipes;
Our Landline Phone Line 0232 877 20 80
Our Whatsapp Order Line: 0549 949 19 25
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You can supply telecom pipes suitable for infrastructure systems with reasonable price and high quality guarantee by contacting us immediately from the numbers above or from our e-mail address!
Özdoğanplast Telecom Pipes with Blue and Black Color Options
Black Telecom Pipe, which is one of the alternatives that attracts attention among HDPE pipe options, is a very special option for cable Decking. In this context, the important thing is the quality and general qualities of the product. The length of the black pipes, whose diameter values vary between 50 cm and 100 cm, is standard. Dec. as the diameter of these cables, which are produced in lengths of 6 meters, increases, their sizes and weights also increase.
It is very, very important to use a high-quality, durable and Black Telecom Cable as an option that will meet every need. This solution, which makes you feel its quality in every sense, also allows you to have an appropriate approach to the needs. If you also want to benefit from an ideal solution for laying telecom lines, you should definitely prefer black products.
Black Telecom Cable Specifications
Since it is a question of benefiting from successful options for telecom cables, the demand for these products is quite high. Moreover, the Black Telecom Cable is considered an option that will meet expectations in every sense. You can also start taking advantage of the options that attract attention with the following features for an alternative that will meet your needs.
• It is laid very easily thanks to its flexible and lightweight structure,
• Its resistance to corrosion is quite high,
* Meets the expectations at the upper loading strength point expected from the cable casing pipes,
• It does not give waste during laying and small parts are evaluated with October machines,
* Provides protection against external factors by staying under the soil for a very long time,
• There is no damage to the product during application,
• This product, which has a double-walled structure, is not affected by negative factors such as traffic, soil pressure, freezing underground, earthmoving damage and icing.
When all these features are evaluated, Cable Protection Pipes are among the most ideal options. Dec Don't you also want to prefer a quality shopping by choosing the most suitable options in this regard? Then you should take a closer look at what options will be waiting for you with the advantages of Özdoğanplast.
Blue Telecom Pipe
Blue Telecom Pipe is considered as one of the alternatives that attracts attention when it comes to enclosure cables. This solution, which meets your needs in the best way, is produced in 100 cm diameter and 6 meters. Although the fact that it is a single size causes the thought of fire for most consumers, it is a product that does not have a fire. For this reason, it can be cut and used in any size.
It can be mentioned that this product, which is considered among the highest quality options during cable Decking, offers a solution-oriented option thanks to its durability. In this context, what you need to do is to benefit from a special choice by evaluating only the Telecom Pipe privileges. Then be ready to choose the most special options about the Blue Telecom Pipe, which attracts attention with its features!
To Get Detailed Information About Özdoğanplast Telecom Pipes;
Our Landline Phone Line: 0232 877 20 80
Our Whatsapp Order Line: 0549 949 19 25
Our E-Mail Address:
You can supply telecom pipes suitable for infrastructure systems with reasonable price and high quality guarantee by contacting us immediately from the numbers above or from our e-mail address!
Blue Telecom Pipe Specifications
The purpose of Cable Protection Pipes is to protect cables against external factors. In this context, durability is evaluated as the first and most important element. So, what features does the Blue Telecom Pipe have that you will buy while prioritizing durability? Here is all that you are wondering!
* Thanks to its flexible structure, it does not cause any difficulties during laying,
• The fact that it is very light makes transportation processes easier,
• It is highly resistant to the problems caused by top loading deformation,
• It does not give any waste during laying,
* Thanks to its double wall, it prevents environmental influences from damaging the cable.
Where Are Cable Protection Pipes Used?
Cable casing pipes attract attention as advantageous solutions. Moreover, it is considered among the most special materials of many projects. Dec. The main purpose of these pipes, which have many usage areas in this direction, is to minimize the damage to the cables as much as possible by creating a unique experience. You should also take a look at the following usage areas for the Cable Protection Pipes that you will prefer in your projects.
* Telecommunication Data Lines
* Underground Power Lines
* Traffic Signaling Systems
* Railway Signaling Systems
* Data and Energy Lines of Industrial Facilities
Why Should Cable Protection Pipes Be Preferred?
Cable Protection Pipes, which are an uncompromising option in favor of quality when their properties are evaluated, contribute to human life thanks to their many advantages. For consumers who want to use a Telecom Pipe in this direction, they should evaluate the following privileges.
Long-Lasting Solutions
Cable Protection Pipes, the raw material of which is HDPE, attract attention among the high-quality and Decently responding options. If you want to choose a pipe in this direction, you should know that you can benefit from a long life of 50 years. It is very valuable that the usage period is quite long and that it ensures the quality of the project from the point of view of consumers. You should also prefer to use a Telecom Pipe for better quality alternatives rather than solutions that are constantly worn out and require change.
Resistance to Chemical Substances
Thanks to providing a quality usage, it meets the needs of almost everyone. With this very special product, you will also be able to meet your expectations. Moreover, thanks to the fact that the chemical resistance is at very ideal levels, you will be able to meet your needs. It allows to take into account the environmental impacts to a minimum extent. In this way, you can also benefit from a quality option with the Telekom Pipe.
Resistance to Environmental Influences
Telecom Pipe; It is produced from HDPE material and its chemical resistance is very high. Thanks to this product, it is possible to store cables. Moreover, the roots of the tree do not cause any harm when moving through the soil. The fact that it offers such a high-quality solution shows how special these pipes are. Are you looking for an easy-to-assemble, lightweight, but also durable option? Then your choice should definitely be a Telecom Pipe.
To Get Detailed Information About Özdoğanplast Telecom Pipes;
Our Landline Phone Line: 0232 877 20 80
Our Whatsapp Order Line: 0549 949 19 25
Our E-Mail Address:
You can supply telecom pipes suitable for infrastructure systems with reasonable price and high quality guarantee by contacting us immediately from the numbers above or from our e-mail address!
Telecom Pipe Prices
You may want to buy a Telecom Pipe as an option that is used in cable housing and attracts attention with its quality. In this case, all you have to do is to evaluate only the appropriate price and quality privileges. Özdoğanplast manages to meet your needs while offering you Telecom Pipe options at affordable prices. It only remains for you to make a choice that will meet your needs. It's time to reach special alternatives for you with Özdoğanplast!
To Get Detailed Information About Özdoğanplast Telecom Pipes;
Our Landline Phone Line: 0232 877 20 80
Our Whatsapp Order Line: 0549 949 19 25
Our E-Mail Address:
You can supply telecom pipes suitable for infrastructure systems with reasonable price and high quality guarantee by contacting us immediately from the numbers above or from our e-mail address!