What is Horizontal Drilling?
It is the job of laying sheathed pipes from under the ground, without damaging the superstructure.
Horizontal drilling is generally preferred to be used in areas such as highways, highways, open areas to traffic, lakes, lakes, rivers, railway tracks, aircraft fists in short, it is preferred to be used in areas with high cost or difficult to excavate.
The most important purpose of this is to make the cost more affordable by making the horizontal drilling process without damaging the place at all, instead of breaking the asphalt with the help of both a bucket and an excavator.
Horizontal Drilling Pipes
Horizontal drill pipe is used in horizontal drilling operations that take place without the need for excavation in infrastructure works. It is possible to obtain many advantages thanks to horizontal drilling applications, which are considered as an environmentally friendly and cost-reducing application. With the developing technology, it is possible to reach a professional solution with horizontal drilling pipes, which are accepted as a preferred option. As Özdoğanplast, we support perfection in infrastructure systems with high-quality, long-lasting and need-responsive pipes.
To Get Detailed Information About Özdoğanplast Horizontal Drilling Pipes;
Our Landline Phone Line: 0232 877 20 80
Our Whatsapp Order Line: 0549 949 19 25
Our E-Mail Address: satis@ozdoganplast.com
You can supply pipes suitable for infrastructure systems with reasonable price and high quality guarantee by contacting us immediately from the numbers above or from our e-mail address!
Advantages of Using Horizontal Drill Pipe
Excavation applications are applied in a large part of the infrastructure works. However, in some infrastructure works, horizontal drilling application, which is a more technological approach, is preferred instead of excavation. Within the scope of this application, a better quality result is obtained and the long life of the infrastructure systems is in question. Then you can also make your choice immediately about the horizontal drilling pipe that you will prefer with the advantages of Özdoğanplast.
Low-Cost Infrastructure Works
Horizontal drilling operations do not cause the excavation to be carried out comprehensively in the area where the infrastructure work is taking place, as in standard infrastructure works. After the excavation operations carried out with the help of technological devices from underground, it is possible to lay pipes. Thanks to the fact that these pipes can be used within the framework of horizontal drilling applications, a fast pipe laying process also takes place. There is no environmental pollution at all and the necessity of damaging the superstructure for the infrastructure is eliminated.
To Get Detailed Information About Özdoğanplast Horizontal Drilling Pipes;
Our Landline Phone Line: 0232 877 20 80
Our Whatsapp Order Line: 0549 949 19 25
Our E-Mail Address: satis@ozdoganplast.com
You can supply pipes suitable for infrastructure systems with reasonable price and high quality guarantee by contacting us immediately from the numbers above or from our e-mail address!
Long-Lasting Use with Horizontal Drilling Pipes
One of the most important characteristics of pipes laid by horizontal drilling application is longevity. Because the purpose of these pipes is to make a choice that will completely meet the infrastructure needs. When designing pipes, the fact that they will remain underground for a long time and will not be easily replaced is taken into account. Thus, there is no question of breaking, cracking or other damage. At the same time, it should be stated that the pipes will not be damaged due to earthquakes, landslides and soil load. Although the initial investment cost is high, the fact that there is no need to change the pipe in the next process makes it a reasonable solution.
Does Not Cause Environmental Pollution
One of the most important solutions for horizontal drilling pipes is that they do not cause environmental pollution. Because these pipes are designed with environmentally friendly materials that are suitable for human health. The raw material used by Özdoğanplast is preferred among the options with high environmental Decency. For this reason, it is not possible for the pipes to cause any pollution. How would you like to benefit from a perfect choice thanks to horizontal drilling pipes that do not negatively affect human and living life?
Horizontal Drill Pipe Prices
Horizontal drilling pipes are known for being manufactured from HDPE material and having high standards. These products, the diameters of which are determined depending on the needs, are usually produced with diameters of 90 and 110 mm. Since their diameters are not very high, they are offered for sale in coils of 100 meters. Do you also want to choose one of these very special products? You can benefit from the prices according to the alternative you will buy.
The horizontal drilling pipes produced by Özdoğanplast are both affordable and useful. Do you also want to prefer the best results in this regard? Then what you need to do is quite simple! Make your choice about horizontal drilling pipes produced with the assurance of Özdoğanplast. Take advantage of advantageous prices according to the pipe quality and sizes you prefer!
To Get Detailed Information About Özdoğanplast Horizontal Drilling Pipes;
Our Landline Phone Line: 0232 877 20 80
Our Whatsapp Order Line: 0549 949 19 25
Our E-Mail Address: satis@ozdoganplast.com
You can supply pipes suitable for infrastructure systems with reasonable price and high quality guarantee by contacting us immediately from the numbers above or from our e-mail address!